How to Set An Alarm on Google Nest Mini

Getting late to your meetup or for work? Need to set an alarm on your Google Nest Mini? Great news! You have three convenient ways to do it with your Google Home devices. We will walk you through each method so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you prefer using voice commands, setting up automation through the Google Home app, or diving into more advanced scripting with Household Routines(using YAML File), we’ve got you covered. Follow this guide to make the most of your Google Home device and never miss an important appointment or wake-up call again!

Method 1: Using Your Voice

1: Set an Alarm Using Your Voice

  • To set an alarm at a specific time, say, “Hey Google, set an alarm at 8:00 AM.” Your Google Home device will prompt you to confirm the time, and then you can set your alarm.

2: Set an Alarm for a Specific Date

  • To set the alarm on a specific date, say, “Hey, Google, set the alarm on August 10th at 10:00 AM.” Google will confirm the date and time and set the alarm accordingly.

3: Cancel an Alarm

  • If you wish to cancel the alarm, you can say, “Hey, Google, cancel my 8:00 AM alarm.” Your device will confirm your cancellation and then cancel the alarm.

4: Cancel an Alarm On Specific Date and Time

  • To cancel an alarm on a specific date, you can say, “Hey, Google, cancel my alarm on August 10th.” Your device will confirm and cancel the specific alarm on the respective date and time.

Method 2: Setting Up Automation in the Google Home App

1: Open the Google Home App

  • First, launch the Google Home app on your phone or tablet. If you haven’t already installed it, you can download it from the App Store for iOS devices or the Google Play Store for Android devices. 
  • Once installed, open the app and ensure you are logged in with the same Google account linked to your Google Home devices. This step is crucial as it ensures all your devices and settings are synchronized, allowing you to manage them effortlessly from one place.

2: Access the “Automations” Option on the Menu Bar

  • Next, tap on “Automations” from the main menu. The Automations section allows you to create and manage various automated actions for your Google devices. This feature is incredibly powerful as it enables you to set up routines that can perform multiple actions based on specific triggers. 
  • Through “Automations,” you open up a world of possibilities for automating your home and making your daily routines more efficient and streamlined.

3: Add a New Automation on Your Google Nest Mini

  • Once in the Automations section, tap the “Add” button to create a new automation. This will start setting up a new schedule or action for your Google Home devices. 
  • Adding a new automation is straightforward and allows you to customize your home automation according to your needs. You can set up automation for various tasks, from playing music at a specific time to turning on lights when you arrive home. 
  • This flexibility ensures you can create a smart home environment tailored to your lifestyle.

4: Select Household or Personal

  • In the next step, you must choose whether the automation is for “Household” or “Personal” usage. Selecting “Household” means the automation will apply to all members of your home, making it ideal for shared tasks like morning alarms or family reminders. 
  • Choosing “Personal” means the automation will apply only to you, perfect for individual routines like personal reminders or work schedules. 
  • This choice helps you organize and manage your automations effectively, ensuring they cater to your specific needs and those of your household members.

5: Add a Starter

  • Now, tap “Add starter” and select “At a specific time.” By choosing a specific time, you can schedule your alarm to go off when you need it. 
  • You can set it for a particular day of the week or make it a recurring event, ensuring it fits perfectly into your daily or weekly routine. 
  • This feature is particularly useful for setting up regular alarms, reminders, or any timed actions you need to automate in your home.

6: Add an Action

  • After setting the starter, tap “Add action” and select “Play and control media.” This option allows you to choose what happens when the alarm goes off. You can select various media options, such as playing a specific song, playlist, radio station, or sound. 
  • This step lets you customize the alarm to suit your preferences, whether you want to wake up to your favorite music, hear the news, or start the day with a motivational podcast. The flexibility to choose different media ensures your alarms are not only functional but also enjoyable.

7: Select the Speaker

  • Finally, choose the speaker where you want the alarm to sound. This could be your Google Nest Mini, Nest Hub, or any other Google-enabled speaker in your home. Selecting the speaker ensures the alarm goes off exactly where you need it, whether in your bedroom, living room, or kitchen. 
  • This feature is especially useful if you have multiple Google Home devices, allowing you to direct alarms and notifications to the most convenient location. By completing this step, you finalize your automated alarm setup, ensuring it works seamlessly with your Google Home ecosystem.

Method 3: Using Household Routines Script Using YAML (Advanced)

This option is ideal for setting recurring alarms throughout the day, but it requires some technical knowledge. Here’s how to set an alarm using Household Routines Script:

1: Visit the Google Home Website

  • Go to and log in with your Google account. This site allows you to manage advanced settings and scripts.

2: Access Automations

  • Select “Automations” from the menu. This is where you can create and edit routines and scripts.

3: Add a New Automation

  • Click on “Add New” to start creating a new automation. This will open a script editor.

4: Write a YAML File

  • Write a YAML file to define your routine. This script should include the specific times, days, and actions for your alarms.

5: Save and Activate

  • Save your script and activate the routine. Your Google Home device will follow this script to set recurring alarms.

6: Sample YAML Script

  name: Stand and Work Alarm
  description: Stand up reminder every 30 mins between 8:00 - 23:00
  - starters:
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 08:00 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 08:30 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 09:00 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 09:30 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 10:00 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 10:30 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 11:00 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 12:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 12:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 01:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 01:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 02:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 02:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 03:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 04:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 04:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 05:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 05:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 06:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 06:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 07:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 07:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 08:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 08:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 09:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 09:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 10:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 10:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 11:00 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 11:30 PM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 12:00 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 12:30 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 01:00 AM
      - type: time.schedule
        at: 01:30 AM
      - type: assistant.command.Broadcast
        message: Stand and Work
          - Bedroom display - Bedroom


That’s all there is to it! You can set alarms on your Google Home devices multiple ways. You can use voice commands, the Google Home app, or even use advanced Household Routines Script. Each method offers different levels of flexibility and control. It allows you to choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and needs. Whether you need a simple alarm for waking up in the morning or a complex schedule to manage your day, these methods make it easy to stay on track. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please comment below. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more tech tips! Enjoy your new alarm features, and never miss an important moment again! You can also watch our video on the same process below.

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